Echoes Among the Stars: The Original Website
This is the original website for the book Echoes Among the Stars, by Patrick J. Walsh. To visit Pat’s current sites, go to:

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The First Era in Space, 1957-1975
Gemini 8
March 16, 1966
Neil Armstrong in Gemini 8
Neil Armstrong prepares for his Gemini 8 mission. The mission’s objectives were similar to the original plan for Gemini 6, in that Armstrong and David Scott were scheduled to test out rendezvous and docking procedures. NASA photo.
The Target
The original flight plan called for Gemini 8 to practice its rendezvous and docking exercises with this Agena target vehicle. Shortly after docking with the target, however, a malfunctioning thruster caused the Gemini craft to spin wildly out of control, nearly killing Armstrong and Scott. Their careful response to the crisis averted disaster. NASA photo.
Looking Toward Another Day
Neil Armstrong and Dave Scott arrive at Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii after their perilous Gemini 8 flight. Once they got their balky capsule under control, NASA safety rules dictated that the mission be cut short; Armstrong and Scott returned to earth after less than ten hours in space. Both would walk on the moon during the Apollo program. NASA photo.
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